I saw on last night's Channel 3 newscast that the Corpus Christi Police Department’s Zero Tolerance No Insurance Initiative began on New Year’s Eve. The Police Officers will be seeking out motorists operating vehicles without proof of Financial Responsibility. According to the newscast, within the last six months, 4,015 motorists received citations for failing to provide proof of financial responsibility within the Corpus Christi city limits. The fines include:
First offense: $304.00 plus $69.00 for court costs·
Second offense: $ 669.00 court cost included·
Third offense: $1,069.00 court cost included
In addition, the vehicle’s owner will be accessed an initial impound fee of $133.30 plus a storage fee of $21.65 per day thereafter. The owner of the vehicle is required to bring current proof of financial responsibility before the vehicle is released. It is possible that it will cost you more not to have insurance than to purchase it. Call us for a quote!
Posted 2:58 PM