We have a friend who came knocking at our door complaining about the cost of his homeowner insurance. He wanted us to compare our home insurance companies to the one he has, (he has one of the three so called "big name" companies... you know the ones), anyway, so we did. We compared coverages and prices and found out he was carring a 3% windstorm deductible on his home insurance policy (he had no idea he was carrying such a large deductible).
Now let's think about this a minute; 3% doesn't sound that bad does it, well not until you look at the amount of coverage on his home. His house is valued at about $300,000 dollars. A 3% deductible is $9,000.00. Now I know if my roof blew off because of a hurricane, and I needed to come up with nine grand, it would be difficult to come up with to say the least. Eventhough hurricane season is coming to a close, it doesn't mean you should wait to compare your State Farm, Allstate or Farmers policies to companies we offer.
Not only are our companies able to offer a 1% windstorm deductible, the premiums are often two or three hundred dollars a year less than the BIG GUYS. State Farm, Allstate, and Farmer's agents often say that there are no other companies besides themselves that cover for windstorm. Well, I'm here to tell you that they are sadly mistaken. At Alba Insurance Agency, we have more than one company that covers windstorm on their policy and with a 1% deductible. As a matter of fact, we have several companies that include windstorm on their policy. So give us a call, like always we will be happy to compare your policy- apples to apples and even better than that- offer you a low rate. Because do you really want to have to come up with $9,000 dollars.
Posted 3:32 PM