Have you ever gone to freecreditreport.com to get your "free credit score?" Well be prepared to pay a dollar for an instant credit report or wait several days for a free one to be mailed to you. If you want an instant report that means it will cost you a dollar and makes you an automatic member. They charge $15.00 a month for membership. They have a small warning sign on the website that reads: "
"When you order your $1 Credit Report and Score here, you will begin your 7-day trial membership in Triple Advantage®. If you don´t cancel your membership within the 7-day trial period*, you will be billed $14.95 for each month that you continue your membership. You may cancel your trial membership anytime within the trial period without charge."
Where’s the connection with insurance you ask. Well it’s simple, most insurance companies (along with home lenders, car dealerships, credit card companies, and every other financing company) use credit scores. Credit history is routinely used by insurance companies to review financial conditions when underwriting and rating insurance policies to help determine the risk of accidents and claims. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing- it is what it is; a way to review financial responsibility. This being said, it is helpful to know what your credit report is telling creditors and other institutions. However, if you plan on trying to get one for free- good luck with that. The guys that sing the songs in the commercials don’t mention the dollar or $15.00 monthly membership fee. Come on guys, free credit report - REALLY?