Well Thanksgiving is just around the corner now, and before you know it we will be feeding our faces with Turkey and all the trimmings, not including those yummy rich and calorie filled desserts! We all have the tendency to over eat during the holidays, I mean really, how can you help it! The food is great, it's cold out, and the time changes so it gets darker faster,, which means less time to go out side and exercise and more time to sit on the couch and watch TV- right?
It's no wonder that we try and get fit and lose weight when the new year comes around (New Year's Resolution and all that)! But exercising usually doesn't last long. I know you're thinking what does my weight and/or how fit I am, have to do with insurance? Believe it or not, if you think about life and health insurance, the better fit you are, the lower your premiums will be. Why, you ask? Because insurance companies look at the overall risk involved in insuring you.
Bottom line- insurance companies want to make sure you aren't going to die the day after they insure you. It makes sense if you think about it from the their point of view. "People that incur a life threatening illness with no health insurance are 7 times more likely to die from that illness as people with health insurance. Health insurance can be the difference between walking again or being in a wheel chair for the the rest of your life".
Most of us can afford to lose a few pounds, ok- more than a few pounds. And we hate knowing that we have to do it, but think about it this way, keeping fit will keep money in your pocket, instead of paying the doctors your co-pay to keep checking your cholesterol and blood pressure. Keep the money in your pocket instead of having to pay a deductible. Keep the money in your pocket instead of paying higher premiums for health and life insurance. Dang it!, just pass on that extra piece of pumpkin pie and those extra helpings of corn bread stuffing! Stay around a little longer in life and enjoy the extra money you saved by staying lean and fit!
Posted 4:12 PM