Several times during the week, we spend our lunch hour taking pictures of houses to submit to our home insurance carriers. Today was no different, we had to take pictures of six different houses for homeowners policies that we had sold this past week; 5 out of 6 of these houses were people who just purchased and closed on a brand new home.
So I started thinking, we have a number of insured's who maybe aren't new home purchasers but don't have their home insurance with us for some reason or another. Hmmm... why don't they? MAYBE THEY DON'T KOW ABOUT ALL THE MONEY WE CAN SAVE THEM!! I'll bet that's it, so I'm here to tell you... Look what we can do for you: Alba Insurance Agency can insure your home with one policy. No need for a separate windstorm policy, but besides that, we have plenty of available discount/options for your home:
*Money Saving Discounts: *Wide Range of Coverage Options
New Construction Discount Windstorm coverage included
Accredited Builder Discount in homeowners policy.
Multi-Home Discount Highly competitive rates
Supporting Auto Discount Deductibles from 1%-5%
Fire/Burglar Alarm Discount High, moderate to low value
Superior Credit Discount homes.
Senior Discount Insurance companies that do not
require a windstorm certification
If you have your home insured through State Farm, Allstate, Farmers or another insurance agency, you are likely spending way more on your home insurance policy than you should be. Give us a call, we can compare your policy (apples to apples) and SAVE YOU MONEY!!
Posted 4:23 PM