Did You Know....
That according to the Channel 3 newscast Tuesday evening, the "Texas-sure" program, a state-wide data base, which went on line at the Nueces county vehicle registration office will basically help law enforcement keep track of who has insurance and who doesn't. Why is this important you might be asking... well, the "Texas-sure", according to state officials, will help reduce and identify uninsured Motorist, thus making our roads and highways safer." If you have ever been involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, you know exactly the problem this causes, and if you've never been involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, thank your lucky stars!! More on this newscast can be found on the Kiii TV3 website. WHY WAIT UNTIL YOU GET STOPPED BY A POLICE OFFICER...JUST STOP BY OUR OFFICE AND PURCHASE YOUR AUTO INSURANCE. THE COST OF THE INSURANCE WILL LIKELY BE LESS EXPENSIVE THAN THE NO INSURANCE TICKET YOU'll END UP GETTING.
Posted 2:40 PM